Updates from Bob Pearl and Jan Lukas

Update from Jan Lukas - Jun 5, 2022:

Hello Lincoln HS collective!

    Hello Lincoln HS collective!

    In 2006 Bob Pearl and I started searching for the "Spirit of Education" mural reminiscent of our high school days.

    In 2006 Bob Pearl and I started searching for the "Spirit of Education" mural reminiscent of our high school days.

    The mural has been in their custody since 2011. ICA relocated recently to the smaller former Astrup Awning Building and has been in contact with Cleveland School officials who showed interest in re-claiming the mural.

    I was notified that ICA is relinquishing the mural to Eric Gordon CEO of CMSD.

    I have mixed feelings about the decision. Below is the email from ICA with attached details. I responded to ICA with my concerns and wish them well in their transfer of the mural and of Cleveland Schools subsequent restoration funding and display location project.

    My sincere hope that you are doing well in our golden years!

    Please forward to interested parties. I don't do FB.

    Jan Lukas

Update from Jan Lukas - Apr. 3, 2014:

I received this email from Andrea Chevalier, Senior Paintings Conservator, ICA - Art Conservation

    Jan, Bob and Beverly,

    I am sending you this link to an article that appeared today about the ICA . The Krusoe mural is mentioned at the end. Jennifer Chevraux gave a talk some weeks ago in which she included the mural. Someone in the audience came up to her at the end, introduced himself as a teacher at St. Ignatius and expressed an interest in having the mural for the school. Evidently they have the space to display it. There was no talk about treatment costs and there has been only some email exchange at this point. Jennifer will follow up with him and we’ll see what happens. I thought you all should know about this development.


    Best regards,


    Andrea Chevalier
    Senior Paintings Conservator
    ICA - Art Conservation
    2915 Detroit Ave.
    Cleveland, OH 44113
    T: (216) 658-8700
    F: (216)658-8709

Update from Jan Lukas - Nov. 27, 2012:

    To all interested parties~

    Please pass along via email to others you know.
    Attached is the first COLOR IMAGE of the mural done by the ICA .(The only one that we know of in existence.) InterMuseum Conservation Association, on Detroit Ave. in Cleveland is a wonderful entity. For you art lovers, see their website.

    ICA conservators did a composite photo of the mural after unrolling, assessing damage and cost of restoration of the three large panels. The total size is 32 feet high by 19' 6'' wide. The lead backing, removal in the 70's from the wall and storage has caused quite a bit of damage and deterioration. You may notice it in this photo-(the right side of each panel especially.) The detailed written quote for restoration is $193,300.00 dated Nov.1, 2012. The remaining funds already collected may be used for a valuation by an expert as to what the piece is worth. Future funding will most likely be done incrementally since the mural is in three pieces. Having visited ICA several times, Bob and I are impressed by the mural's magnitude. Bob is waiting to hear from radio and TV representatives to stimulate interest and promote fund raising. Of course the major consideration is where to re install the mural. We continue to search for a site and prefer it to be a local educational setting-no easy feat!

    The website LincolnHighMural.org established for us by classmate Bob Junke, '68 has information that you may pass along to anyone with interest in restoration of WPA art and Lincoln High School history. Contributions may be sent to the ICA from this site using the project number. The website is updated as we forward info to Bob J., so check it out periodically.

    Thank you for your support in restoring the mural. Have a look at the color photo. It may stir some memories. That's good!

    Jan, always Sedlacek, now Lukas

Update from Bob Pearl - Oct. 18, 2012:

    Greetings to all:

    On Sept. 27th, Jan Lukas and I were informed by Andrea, the head conservator at ICA that all three panels of the mural would be unrolled for the first time on Oct. 2nd, when they would begin assessing the restoration requirements.

    After this news, the following day, I contacted the local Fox affiliate, along with an ABC local news anchor, giving them a full history of the mural up to date and to possibly set up a future date when they might run a segment about our treasured mural. This public awareness, hopefully, will build enthusiasm and generate a greater response with donations. We also plan on meeting with ICA officials to talk about the possibility of applying for grant money for the project.

    On Oct. 2nd, Jan and I attended the mural unrolling. Also in attendance was the Director of Programming for NPR WKSU 89.7 Cleveland, Mark Urycki, who recorded the complete history of the mural and stated it would be broadcast sometime in the near future.

    On Oct. 15th, ICA informed me that the assessment estimate for restoration is more than we originally thought, somewhere around $200,000. The good news is that, because the mural is in three panels, the goal would be to raise enough money to restore one panel at a time instead of waiting to get started until the full amount is raised. Our challenge now is to raise the first third to get things in motion.

    Getting the word out is of the utmost importance, whether it’s on Classmates.com, Facebook, Twitter, through the Media, or word of mouth. We need your help. Remember all donations are tax deductable.

    Below are the photos taken at ICA showing the top panel laid out and being assessed with Jan and me looking on. Seeing it in color for the first time in 34 yrs, and its size, was truly exciting, which makes us all the more determined to see this project through.

    Thanks to all. Let’s keep up the momentum.

    Bob Pearl